What is Changchun BCHT's industry?
Changchun BCHT is in the industry of: Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing
What is Changchun BCHT's total number of patents?
Changchun BCHT has 75 patents in total.
What is Changchun BCHT's market cap?
What kind of company is Changchun BCHT?
Changchun BCHT Biotechnology Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development, production, and sale of medicine (biological products). It develops biological...
What is Changchun BCHT's official website?
What is Changchun BCHT's stock symbol?
Where is Changchun BCHT's headquarters?
What is Changchun BCHT's NAICS code?
Who are Changchun BCHT key executives?
Changchun BCHT's key executives are
Yang Yang, Da Qiang Feng and Ji Ma.