Guangzhou Shiniu Informat is a company that provides Software, Product matrix, Parent education and more. Guangzhou Shiniu Informat is headquartered in China Guangdong. Guangzhou Shiniu Informat was founded in 2019. Guangzhou Shiniu Informat has a total of 25 patents
Guangzhou Shiniu Informat is in the industry of:Software PublishersInternet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search PortalsComputer Systems Design and Related Services
What technical fields has Guangzhou Shiniu Informat researched?
Guangzhou Shiniu Informat has researched the technical fields related toSoftwareProduct matrixParent education
What is Guangzhou Shiniu Informat's total number of patents?
What kind of company is Guangzhou Shiniu Informat?
X-Bull School is a comprehensive provider of educational information services under the Guangzhou Shi Niu Information Technology Co., Ltd., providing smart...
What is Guangzhou Shiniu Informat's official website?
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Canon, Inc.Canon, Inc.Sony Group Corp.International Business Machines Corp.Fujitsu Ltd.General Electric Co.General Electric Co.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Seiko Epson Corp.SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.ZTE Corp.Apple, Inc.FUJIFILM Corp.Hewlett-Packard Development Co.Eastman Kodak Co.Fujifilm Business Innovation Corp.Fujifilm Business Innovation Corp.Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd.Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd.Honeywell International, Inc.Xerox Holdings Corp.Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Alcatel-Lucent S AMicrosoft Corp.Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd.Toyota Industries Corp.Muratec Automation Co., Ltd.Victor Company of Japan Ltd.Victor Company of Japan Ltd.