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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.Delft University of TechnologyJapan Aerospace Exploration AgencyScience & Technology Corp.West Virginia UniversityAlenia Aermacchi SpAMississippi State UniversityAlenia Aeronautica SpAInstytut LotnictwaL&T Technology Services Ltd.Canadian Space AgencyYunnan Aerospace Engineering Geophysical Detecting Co., Ltd.CoretranNational Institute of Aerospace AssociatesInnovative Concepts, Inc.Sea6 Energy Pvt Ltd.Delos LLCSPAR Aerospace Ltd.Continuum Dynamics, Inc.CarboFibretec GmbHInstitute of Space TechnologyNippon Bunri UniversityIDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi SpAStone Aerospace, Inc.Intuitive Research & Technology Corp.New Mexico State UniversityBETTERFLOW GmbHNearthlab Co., Ltd.Archangel Lightworks Ltd.MT- Propeller Entwicklung GmbH
Koninklijke Philips NVKoninklijke Philips NVFraunhofer-Gesellschaft eVSouth China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityIndustrial Technology Research InstituteShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyFunai Electric Co., Ltd.University of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologyBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyMinolta Co., Ltd.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityFuzhou UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologyUniversity of TokyoHangzhou Dianzi UniversityChina Jiliang University
South China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyNanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologyHangzhou Dianzi UniversitySouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing UniversityNational University of Defense TechnologyNanjing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsBeijing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsUniversity Of JinanGuilin University of Electronic TechnologyQingdao University of Science & TechnologyXi'an University of Science & TechnologyWuhan University of Science & TechnologyHenan University of Science & TechnologyShenyang Jianzhu UniversityDongguan University of TechnologyZhejiang Normal UniversityXi'an Polytechnic UniversityShanghai Maritime University
Russia Federal Space AgencySouth China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaXi'an Jiaotong UniversityBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyChery Automobile Co., Ltd.Zhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityFuzhou UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologyHangzhou Dianzi UniversityChina Jiliang UniversityNational University of Defense TechnologyNational University of Defense TechnologyNanjing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsUniversity Of JinanRailway Technical Research InstituteQingdao University of Science & TechnologyXi'an University of Science & TechnologyWuhan University of Science & TechnologyGuangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.Henan University of Science & TechnologyShanghai Institute of Technology
Zhejiang University of TechnologyUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaBeihang UniversityTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityHangzhou Dianzi UniversityNational University of Defense TechnologyGuilin University of Electronic TechnologyWuhan University of Science & TechnologyDongguan University of TechnologyZhejiang Normal UniversityShanghai Maritime UniversityDalian Maritime UniversityEast China Jiaotong UniversityHebei University of Science & TechnologyShandong Normal UniversityZhejiang Gongshang UniversityZhejiang University City CollegeUniversity of BeihuaShanghai Normal UniversityHunan Institute of EngineeringChongqing Technology & Business UniversityShanghai Second Polytechnic UniversityNanchang Institute of TechnologyBaoji University of Arts & SciencesChangsha University ofCity University of Hong KongHuaihai Institute of Technology
Koninklijke Philips NVKoninklijke Philips NVIndustrial Technology Research InstituteFunai Electric Co., Ltd.University of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaXi'an Jiaotong UniversityBeihang UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologyHangzhou Dianzi UniversityChina Jiliang UniversityNational University of Defense TechnologyNational University of Defense TechnologyNanjing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsBeijing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsGuilin University of Electronic TechnologyRailway Technical Research InstituteXi'an University of Science & TechnologyXi'an Polytechnic UniversitySoitec SAShanghai Maritime UniversityNational Taiwan UniversityShenyang University of TechnologyCompal Electronics, Inc.East China Jiaotong UniversityGwangju Institute of Science & TechnologyHitachi Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd.Tianjin University of TechnologyShenzhen Polytechnic College
Koninklijke Philips NVKoninklijke Philips NVSeiko Epson Corp.E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.EIDP, Inc.DAIKIN INDUSTRIES Ltd.Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft eVPOSCO Holdings Inc.JFE Holdings, Inc.South China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityIndustrial Technology Research InstituteShowa Denko K.K.Resonac Holdings Corp.Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityDIC CorporationZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyFunai Electric Co., Ltd.University of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologySumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.Beihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityAmorepacific Corp.Tongji University