What is MORITA HOLDINGS's industry?
MORITA HOLDINGS is in the industry of: Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers Heavy Duty Truck ManufacturingOther Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers All Other Chemical Product and Preparation ManufacturingAll Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
What is MORITA HOLDINGS's market cap?
How many employees does MORITA HOLDINGS have globally?
What kind of company is MORITA HOLDINGS?
Manufactures and distributes fire trucks, fire extinguishers engines, and disaster prevention equipment...
What is MORITA HOLDINGS's official website?
What is MORITA HOLDINGS's stock symbol?
Where is MORITA HOLDINGS's headquarters?
How many offices does MORITA HOLDINGS have?
Where are MORITA HOLDINGS offices?
MORITA HOLDINGS has offices in
KN,JP; Western Finland,Finland; CA,US; Osaka,Japan and in
4 other locations.
Who are MORITA HOLDINGS key executives?
MORITA HOLDINGS's key executives are
Masahiro Nakajima, Kazumi Ogata and Shinichi Kanaoka.
Who are MORITA HOLDINGS competitors?