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Koninklijke Philips NVKoninklijke Philips NVSeiko Epson Corp.E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.EIDP, Inc.DAIKIN INDUSTRIES Ltd.Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft eVSouth China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityIndustrial Technology Research InstituteShowa Denko K.K.Resonac Holdings Corp.Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityDIC CorporationZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyFunai Electric Co., Ltd.University of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologySumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.Beihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityTongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of Technology
INOAC Corp.Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.ZF CV Systems Europe BVRchling Automotive SE & Co. KGAlenia Aermacchi SpAToho Tenax Co., Ltd.HBPO GmbHBATZ S. Coop.Caihong UAV Technology Co. Ltd.Centre Scientifique et Technique du BâtimentCassidian Ltd.Rotron, Inc.Alenia Aeronautica SpAFORCE TechnologyInstytut LotnictwaSociété Industrielle de Sonceboz SAEnsinger GmbHSMP Deutschland GmbHMagna Exteriors GmbHOrbital Research, Inc.China Aerodynamics Research & Development Center (CARDC)Inveris Training SolutionsLaVision GmbHTokyo Polytechnic UniversityTashkent Institute of Railway EngineeringWilliams Grand Prix Engineering Ltd.Williams Grand Prix Engineering Ltd.Fleet Engineers, Inc.Zee AeroAirborne Systems Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.International Business Machines Corp.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Intel Corp.Apple, Inc.Google LLCNTT DOCOMO, Inc.South China University of TechnologyMicrosoft Corp.Industrial Technology Research InstituteShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyMediaTek, Inc.Dalian University of TechnologyAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.Wuhan UniversityTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyMinolta Co., Ltd.Zhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologySK Telecom Co., Ltd.Wisconsin Alumni Research FoundationHangzhou Dianzi UniversityChina Jiliang University
Koninklijke Philips NVKoninklijke Philips NVFraunhofer-Gesellschaft eVSouth China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityIndustrial Technology Research InstituteShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyFunai Electric Co., Ltd.University of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologyBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyMinolta Co., Ltd.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityFuzhou UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologyUniversity of TokyoHangzhou Dianzi UniversityChina Jiliang UniversitySouthwest Petroleum University
South China University of TechnologyShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologyBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityAmorepacific Corp.Tongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyTosoh Corp.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityKorea Institute of Science & TechnologyFuzhou UniversityChina University of Petroleum (East China)Harbin University of Science & TechnologyChina University of Petroleum (East China)University of TokyoWisconsin Alumni Research FoundationChina Jiliang UniversityDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesSouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing University