What is Nueva Montaa Quijano's industry?
Nueva Montaa Quijano is in the industry of: Management of Companies and EnterprisesIron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy ManufacturingRailroad Rolling Stock ManufacturingIron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased SteelFerrous Metal FoundriesCement ManufacturingNonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and AlloyingNarrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine EmbroideryMotor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts ManufacturingNonferrous Metal FoundriesHighway, Street, and Bridge Construction
What is Nueva Montaa Quijano's total number of patents?
Nueva Montaa Quijano has 17 patents in total.
How many employees does Nueva Montaa Quijano have globally?
What kind of company is Nueva Montaa Quijano?
Operates as a holding company with interests in the steel products and real estate sectors...
What is Nueva Montaa Quijano's stock symbol?
Where is Nueva Montaa Quijano's headquarters?
What is Nueva Montaa Quijano's NAICS code?