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South China University of TechnologyShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologyBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityAmorepacific Corp.Tongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyTosoh Corp.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityKorea Institute of Science & TechnologyFuzhou UniversityChina University of Petroleum (East China)Harbin University of Science & TechnologyChina University of Petroleum (East China)University of TokyoWisconsin Alumni Research FoundationChina Jiliang UniversityDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesSouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing University
South China University of TechnologyZhejiang University of TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyTosoh Corp.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityFuzhou UniversityUniversity of TokyoDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesSouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing UniversityMax Planck Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Wissenschaften eVEast China University of Science & TechnologyUniversity Of JinanTaiyuan University of TechnologyConsejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasKyoto UniversityQingdao University of Science & TechnologyShanghai Institute of TechnologyQingdao Agriculture UniversityZhejiang University of Science & TechnologyHokkaido UniversitySouthwest University of Science & TechnologyNational University of Food TechnologyHebei University of Science & TechnologyUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1Tianjin University of Technology
South China University of TechnologyZhejiang University of TechnologyXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityTongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyTosoh Corp.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityKorea Institute of Science & TechnologyFuzhou UniversityChina University of Petroleum (East China)China University of Petroleum (East China)University of TokyoChina Jiliang UniversityDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesSouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing UniversityEast China University of Science & TechnologyUniversity Of JinanTaiyuan University of TechnologyConsejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHGuilin University of Electronic TechnologySouth China Agricultural UniversityQingdao University of Science & TechnologyXi'an University of Science & Technology
SK Magic Co., Ltd.Alto-Shaam, Inc.Vulcan Engineering Co.Merrychef Ltd.Spooner Industries Ltd.University of BangaloreBraukmann GmbhDynamic Cooking Systems, Inc.Lincat Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Tiedao UniversityIndian Institute of Technology MadrasUniversity of SalernoIndian Institute of Technology KanpurÉcole Normale Supérieure de LyonClarkson UniversitySISSA Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi AvanzatiEcole Centrale de NantesNational University of Sciences & TechnologyIzhevsk State Technical UniversityThe Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & ArtEcole Nationale des Ponts et ChausséesThe Jerusalem College of TechnologyIndian Institute of Science Education & ResearchMilwaukee School of EngineeringInstitute of Strength Physics & Materials Science SB RASInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées de RouenShanghai University of TechnologyShanghai University of TechnologyOkan UniversitesiPrince Mohammad Bin Fahd UniversityJadavpur UniversityNippon Bunri UniversityUniversity of BangaloreTomsk State UniversityTaoyuan Innovation Institute of TechnologyUniversitaet der Bundeswehr MuenchenUdmurt State UniversityQuaid-i-Azam UniversityÉcole Centrale Paris
University of TokyoNanjing UniversityMax Planck Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Wissenschaften eVForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHRailway Technical Research InstituteHokkaido UniversityÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneHiroshima UniversitySuzhou University of Science & TechnologyDresden University of TechnologyChangshu Institute of TechnologyKarlsruher Institut für TechnologieWaseda UniversityNihon UniversityNagoya Institute of TechnologyUniversité Pierre et Marie CurieHunan Institute of EngineeringUniversité Toulouse III - Paul SabatierKyushu Institute of TechnologyTokyo University of ScienceIndian Institute of Technology MadrasIndian Institutes of TechnologyOsaka Prefecture UniversityBar-Ilan UniversityToyohashi University of TechnologyWest Pomeranian University of Technology SzczecinEcole PolytechniqueKun Shan UniversityBaoji University of Arts & SciencesNiigata University