Reichhold LLC 2 is a company that provides Coating, Varnish, Chemical engineering and more. Reichhold LLC 2 is headquartered in United States North Carolina. Reichhold LLC 2 was founded in 1924. and was founded by Henry Reichhold. Reichhold LLC 2 has a total of 38 patents
Reichhold LLC 2 is in the industry of:Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Resin and Synthetic Rubber ManufacturingPaint and Coating ManufacturingPlastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers
What technical fields has Reichhold LLC 2 researched?
Reichhold LLC 2 manufactures and supplies polyester resins, paints and varnishes. It supplies coating resins for the industrial, transportation, building...