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E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.EIDP, Inc.Harbin Institute of TechnologyCalifornia Institute of TechnologyEast China University of Science & TechnologyNational Environmental Engineering Research InstituteRoke Manor Research Ltd.Nanchang Institute of TechnologyTAE Technologies, Inc.The Aerospace Corp.American Science & Engineering, Inc.University of Maryland Baltimore CountyColorado School of MinesUniversity of BremenUniversity of Massachusetts LowellHarbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Foundation, Inc.CentraleSupélec Exed SAAlberta Innovates-Technology FuturesCapsugel, Inc.The Science & Engineering Research CouncilFlorida Institute of Technology, Inc.Integral Ad Science, Inc.Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de RouenFundación IMDEA MaterialesFundación IMDEA MaterialesIndian Institute of Technology GandhinagarScience & Engineering Services, Inc.Idaho State UniversityScience & Technology in Atmospheric Research (STAR) LLCVentaira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
South China University of TechnologyMax Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften eVCollege of Liberal Arts & SciencesBTG International Ltd.Technical University of DenmarkDresden University of TechnologyNuovo Pignone Tecnologie SrlDrexel UniversityMichigan State UniversityTechnische Universität WienTechnische Universität DarmstadtLouis Pasteur UniversityCoventry UniversityElectrophoretics Ltd.Indonesian Institute of SciencesSaint Gobain Recherche SASUniversity of Ljubljanaaerodyn engineering GmbHAgro Innovation InternationalMondelez UK R&D Ltd.Storz Endoskop Produktions GmbHVermes Microdispensing GmbHSiemens Mobility SASChemo Research SLEpygon SASUN.C.S.R. DemokritosUniversité de NeuchâtelMagaldi Ricerche e Brevetti SrlThe University of TulsaIsabela State University
The Medical Research CouncilOncoTherapy Science, Inc.King's College LondonNational Cancer Center KoreaAcademisch Ziekenhuis MaastrichtAcademy of Military Medical SciencesThe Kitasato InstituteNational Health Research InstitutesThe Henry M. Jackson FoundationSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical ResearchOklahoma Medical Research FoundationUniversity of Medicine & Dentistry of New JerseyCellix Bio Pvt Ltd.Eastern Virginia Medical SchoolAcademic Medical Center University of AmsterdamChina State Institute of Pharmaceutical IndustryCentre Hospitalier Universitaire de MontpellierOslo universitetssykehus HFBiosplice Therapeutics, Inc.The Wistar InstituteThe Garvan Institute of Medical ResearchThe Howard Hughes Medical InstituteBuck Institute for Research on AgingSanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery InstituteFisher Scientific Co. LLCIndian Council of Medical ResearchVegenics Pty Ltd.BioMed Valley Discoveries, Inc.Rosetta Genomics Ltd.
Beijing Institute of TechnologyHangzhou Dianzi UniversityNanjing UniversityOsaka UniversityNanjing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsXi'an University of TechnologyThe University of North Carolina at Chapel HillFujian Agriculture & Forestry UniversityKyushu UniversityZhejiang Normal UniversityArizona Board of RegentsQingdao Agriculture UniversityShanghai Maritime UniversityUlsan National Institute of Science & TechnologyThe University of QueenslandXiamen University of TechnologyUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1University of MelbourneThe Second Military Medical UniversityThe Second Military Medical UniversityTianjin University of TechnologyDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & TechnologyChangshu Institute of TechnologyDelft University of TechnologyOsaka Prefecture UniversityUniversity of Cincinnati Physicians Co. LLCTokyo University of Agriculture & TechnologyUniversity of BeihuaShanghai Normal UniversityUniversity of Sao Paulo
The University of California, San FranciscoGenentech, Inc.Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityGovernment of the United States of AmericaMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyKunming University of Science & TechnologyWuhan UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchTongji UniversityThe Johns Hopkins UniversityNanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityUniversity of TokyoAgency for Science, Technology & ResearchMax Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften eVCalifornia Institute of TechnologyResearch Institute of Industrial Science & TechnologyNanjing UniversityAutoliv Development ABChina Agricultural UniversityOsaka UniversitySichuan Agricultural UniversityOcean's King Lighting Science & Technology Co., Ltd.U.S. Army Corps of EngineersFourth Military Medical UniversityOcean's King Lighting Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Illumina, Inc.Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd.Kyoto University
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.Novartis AGToray Industries, Inc.The University of California, San FranciscoAstraZeneca UK Ltd.Merck & Co., Inc.Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Bristol Myers Squibb Co.Covidien Pte Ltd.Genentech, Inc.Janssen Pharmaceutica NVCovidien LPShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityAbbott LaboratoriesGovernment of the United States of AmericaBoehringer Ingelheim International GmbHHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyMedtronic, Inc.Amgen, Inc.Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbHNovo Nordisk A/SMerck Sharp & Dohme Corp.Wuhan UniversityNissan Chemical Corp.Tongji UniversitySiemens Healthcare GmbHSchering Corp.Alcon AGThe Johns Hopkins University
The University of California, San FranciscoShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyWuhan UniversityTongji UniversityThe Johns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of TokyoNanjing UniversitySichuan Agricultural UniversityFourth Military Medical UniversityDuke UniversityUniversity of MinnesotaThe University of North Carolina at Chapel HillNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of British ColumbiaRutgers State University of New JerseyKatholieke Universiteit LeuvenEmory UniversityFourth Military Medical UniversityNew York UniversityMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterWashington University in St. LouisVanderbilt UniversityHokkaido UniversityNortheast Agricultural UniversityNational Taiwan UniversityThe Texas A&M University SystemQingdao University