Tega Industries Ltd. is a company that provides Beneficiation and more. Tega Industries Ltd. is headquartered in India West Bengal. Tega Industries Ltd. was founded in 1976. Tega Industries Ltd. has a total of 531 patents
Tega Industries Ltd. manufactures and distributes critical to operate and recurring consumable products for the global mineral beneficiation, mining and...
Ansteel Group Mining Co., Ltd.AECI Ltd.Mintek (Pty) Ltd.Kailuan Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.Hazen Research, Inc.Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd.Tetronics (International) Ltd.Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd.CDE Asia Ltd.MineSense Technologies Ltd.Huili County Caitong Iron & Titanium Co., Ltd.Newcrest Mining Ltd.Huili County Caitong Iron & Titanium Co., Ltd.Daiseki Co., Ltd.Jiangxi Yongxing Special Steel New Energy Technology Co. Ltd.ENVIROSERV GmbHHunan Nonferrous Xintianling Tungsten Industry Co. Ltd.Hunan Nonferrous Xintianling Tungsten Industry Co. Ltd.Jiangxi Yongxing Special Steel New Energy Technology Co. Ltd.Intellisense.io Ltd.New Steel SAGlencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd.Stantec, Inc.Iron Mineral Beneficiation Services (Pty) Ltd.Intellisense.io Ltd.Rising Nonferrous Metals Share Co., Ltd.BHP Group Ltd.Essar Steel India Ltd.Samancor Chrome HoldingsOZ Minerals Ltd.