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Toyota Motor Corp.Seiko Epson Corp.Honda Motor Co., Ltd.DENSO Corp.Midea Group Co. Ltd.Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.FANUC Corp.Iseki & Co., Ltd.YASKAWA Electric Corp.SZ DJI Technology Co.,, Inc.Miele & Cie. KGMattel, Inc.Husqvarna ABLEGO A/SLEGO A/SBando Chemical Industries Ltd.National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationThe Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced TechnologyThe Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced TechnologySRI InternationalShenyang Institute of AutomationShibuya Corp.Nitto Kohki Co., Ltd.Tatsuno Corp.Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp.Bozhon Precision Industry Technology Co., Ltd.Bozhon Precision Industry Technology Co., Ltd.KEYENCE Corp.Denso Wave, Inc.
General Engineering Co.Laing O'Rourke Plcen-Gauge, Inc.Ludwig Boltzmann GesellschaftISONAS, Inc.
The University of Central Florida Research Foundation, Inc.The University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc.The Kansas State University Research FoundationLotte Corp.New York Stem Cell Foundation, Inc.The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.Fundación TeknikerFundacion Publica Andaluza Progreso y SaludFondazione Bruno KesslerDr. H.C. Robert Mathys StiftungFundacio EurecatChemotherapeutic Research Institute Georg-Speyer-HausMassachusetts University of Amherst FoundationScience & Technology Center in UkraineWiesheu GmbhChildren's Hospital Research FoundationFukui Prefectural UniversityHamburger Stiftung zur Frderung von Wissenschaft und KulturMepco Schlenk Engineering CollegeFondation Bordeaux UniversiteFundación Universitaria San AntonioDECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutCentre Internationnal de Recherche Aux Frontieres de la ChimieMiltech FoundationGips-Schüle-StiftungStichting ImpulsH.U. PrivatstiftungLudwig-Blkow-StiftungBurrtec Co., Ltd.Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
Toyota Motor Corp.Seiko Epson Corp.Honda Motor Co., Ltd.DENSO Corp.Midea Group Co. Ltd.Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.FANUC Corp.Iseki & Co., Ltd.Hilti AGYASKAWA Electric Corp.SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd.DAEWOO SHIPBUILDING & MARINE ENGINEERING Co., Ltd.NVIDIA, Inc.Miele & Cie. KGDana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.Mattel, Inc.Husqvarna ABLEGO A/SHaldor Topse A/SLEGO A/SNational Aeronautics & Space AdministrationThe Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced TechnologyThe Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced TechnologyWaymo LLCSRI InternationalRyobi Ltd.Shibuya Corp.Tatsuno Corp.Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp.