With the analysis among 174 patents, we discovered top 23 key players by total patent application. Sanofi SA, Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, BASF AB are dominant in this area. They take 69.54% of the total patent filing.
Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Patent: 26
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Patent: 7
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 4
Texas, United States
Patent: 3
California, United States
Patent: 2
No data, please try another search term
With the analysis among related 74 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 5 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing Sanofi SA, PetroChina Co., Ltd., Syngenta Crop Protection AG take 95.95% of patent filing during this period.
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 4
Syngenta Crop Protection AG
undefined undefined
Patent: 1
Southern Research Institute
Alabama, United States
Patent: 1
China Petroleum Group Petrochemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among related 74 patents in last 5 years, we discover 4 new entrants. PetroChina Co., Ltd., Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Southern Research Institute are the most active new entrants in this area.
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 4
Syngenta Crop Protection AG
undefined undefined
Patent: 1
Southern Research Institute
Alabama, United States
Patent: 1
China Petroleum Group Petrochemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among 37 patents, we discovered top 11 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are dominant in this area. They take 45.95% of the total patent filing.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, United States
Patent: 10
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 4
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
North Carolina, United States
Patent: 3
East China University of Science & Technology
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 2
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 2
The Johns Hopkins University
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 1
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 1
Ishikawa-ken, Japan
Patent: 1
Sachsen, Germany
Patent: 1