With the analysis among 530 patents, we discovered top 21 key players by total patent application. Albireo AB, G.D. Searle LLC, AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. are dominant in this area. They take 79.06% of the total patent filing.
Illinois, United States
Patent: 157
AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Sheng, China
Patent: 96
Satiogen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
California, United States
Patent: 20
New Jersey, United States
Patent: 12
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Patent: 11
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Patent: 11
Hessen, Germany
Patent: 10
Missouri, United States
Patent: 8
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With the analysis among related 113 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 9 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing Albireo AB, Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Riken Corp. take 95.58% of patent filing during this period.
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
California, United States
Patent: 8
Hiroshima-ken, Japan
Patent: 3
Satiogen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
California, United States
Patent: 2
Syngene International Ltd.
Karnataka, India
Patent: 1
National Center for Global Health & Medicine
Guangdong Boxi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among related 113 patents in last 5 years, we discover 6 new entrants. Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Riken Corp., Hiroshima University are the most active new entrants in this area.
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
California, United States
Patent: 8
Hiroshima-ken, Japan
Patent: 3
Syngene International Ltd.
Karnataka, India
Patent: 1
National Center for Global Health & Medicine
Guangdong Boxi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among 13 patents, we discovered top 6 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Wake Forest University, Hiroshima University, Sun Yat-Sen University are dominant in this area. They take 84.62% of the total patent filing.
North Carolina, United States
Patent: 5
Hiroshima-ken, Japan
Patent: 3
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Jiangsu Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Chiba-ken, Japan
Patent: 1
Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Jiangxi Sheng, China
Patent: 1