With the analysis among 72 patents, we discovered top 21 key players by total patent application. Riker Laboratories, Inc., Grindeks AS, Abbott Laboratories are dominant in this area. They take 37.50% of the total patent filing.
Minnesota, United States
Patent: 15
Illinois, United States
Patent: 5
Columbia Laboratories (Bermuda) Ltd.
Patent: 3
Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Massachusetts, United States
Patent: 2
Illinois, United States
Patent: 2
InCarda Therapeutics, Inc.
California, United States
Patent: 2
Saitama Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Saitama-ken, Japan
Patent: 2
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With the analysis among related 9 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 2 most active companies in this area.
Commissariat à l´énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
Patent: 2
InCarda Therapeutics, Inc.
California, United States
Patent: 1
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