With the analysis among 6 patents, we discovered top 4 key players by total patent application. Sentinel CH SpA, Korea Disease Control & Prevention Agency, Wuhan Zhongji Biotechnology Co., Ltd. are dominant in this area. They take 50.00% of the total patent filing.
Korea Disease Control & Prevention Agency
Wuhan Zhongji Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Green + Joint Stock Corp.
Bến Tre, Vietnam
Patent: 1
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With the analysis among related 26 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 9 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing Beijing Proteome Research Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Academy of Military Medical Sciences take 46.15% of patent filing during this period.
Beijing Proteome Research Center
undefined undefined
Patent: 10
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Patent: 1
Academy of Military Medical Sciences
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
Andhra Pradesh, India
Patent: 1
Wuhan Zhongji Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Green + Joint Stock Corp.
Bến Tre, Vietnam
Patent: 1
Fujian Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Anhui University of Science & Technology
Anhui Sheng, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among related 26 patents in last 5 years, we discover 7 new entrants. Universitas Gadjah Mada, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Wuhan Zhongji Biotechnology Co., Ltd. are the most active new entrants in this area.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Patent: 1
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
Andhra Pradesh, India
Patent: 1
Wuhan Zhongji Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Green + Joint Stock Corp.
Bến Tre, Vietnam
Patent: 1
Fujian Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Anhui University of Science & Technology
Anhui Sheng, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among 53 patents, we discovered top 20 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Fudan University are dominant in this area. They take 39.62% of the total patent filing.
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Academy of Military Medical Sciences
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 2
Dalian Medical University
Liaoning Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Patent: 1
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 1
Indiana, United States
Patent: 1
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Nuevo León, Mexico
Patent: 1
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
Andhra Pradesh, India
Patent: 1
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 1