With the analysis among 2,407 patents, we discovered top 465 key players by total patent application. BASF AB, Bayer AG, Mitsubishi Kasei Corp. are dominant in this area. They take 15.29% of the total patent filing.
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Patent: 71
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 63
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 53
Osaka-fu, Japan
Patent: 46
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium
Patent: 39
Tennessee, United States
Patent: 36
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 32
With the analysis among 4 patents, we discovered top 1 start-ups by total patent application.
Washington, United States
Patent: 4
With the analysis among related 332 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 189 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing Zhejiang University of Technology, N.E. Chemcat Corp., Fuzhou University take 10.84% of patent filing during this period.
Zhejiang Sheng, China
Patent: 14
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 12
Fujian Sheng, China
Patent: 10
Liaoning Sheng, China
Patent: 10
Henan Sheng, China
Patent: 8
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 6
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 6
With the analysis among related 332 patents in last 5 years, we discover 122 new entrants. Deuteria Beverages LLC, Henan Normal University, Soulbrain Co., Ltd. are the most active new entrants in this area.
Henan Sheng, China
Patent: 8
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 6
Shandong Sheng, China
Patent: 4
Washington, United States
Patent: 4
undefined undefined
Patent: 4
Zhejiang Sheng, China
Patent: 3
Jiangsu Sheng, China
Patent: 3
With the analysis among 486 patents, we discovered top 132 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Zhejiang University of Technology, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou University are dominant in this area. They take 12.14% of the total patent filing.
Zhejiang Sheng, China
Patent: 22
Liaoning Sheng, China
Patent: 19
Fujian Sheng, China
Patent: 18
Ontario, Canada
Patent: 10
California, United States
Patent: 9
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Henan Sheng, China
Patent: 8
Washington, United States
Patent: 7
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 7