With the analysis among 18 patents, we discovered top 13 key players by total patent application. Thales SA, Centre National De La Recherche Scientif, Intel Corp. are dominant in this area. They take 61.11% of the total patent filing.
Centre National De La Recherche Scientif
California, United States
Patent: 2
Shenzhen Sipin Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Korea Research Institute of Standards & Science
Sejong University Industry Academy Cooperation Foundation
Sejong Special Self-Governing City, South Korea
Patent: 1
No data, please try another search term
With the analysis among related 30 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 20 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing Korea Research Institute of Standards & Science, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, Beihang University take 30.00% of patent filing during this period.
Korea Research Institute of Standards & Science
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 3
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 3
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts, United States
Patent: 2
Korea Institute of Science & Technology
Seoul University Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation
Sichuan Normal University
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Shenzhen Sipin Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Regents of the University of California
California, United States
Patent: 1
With the analysis among related 30 patents in last 5 years, we discover 13 new entrants. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Sichuan Normal University are the most active new entrants in this area.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts, United States
Patent: 2
Korea Institute of Science & Technology
Sichuan Normal University
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Shenzhen Sipin Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Hefei Innovation Research Institute of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Hefei Graduate School of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
undefined undefined
Patent: 1
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Industry-University Cooperation Foundation Hanyang University
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
China University of Geosciences Beijing
Hubei Sheng, China
Patent: 1
With the analysis among 93 patents, we discovered top 16 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, Universität zu Köln, Beihang University are dominant in this area. They take 59.14% of the total patent filing.
Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Patent: 5
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 4
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 4
The Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 3
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts, United States
Patent: 2
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia, United States
Patent: 2
Korea Institute of Science & Technology
Sichuan Normal University
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 2
The Johns Hopkins University