This chart groups individual patents within a company’s portfolio by simple legal status: Pending (patent application is under examination), Active (patent has been granted and is currently valid), Inactive (granted patent has expired, lapsed or been...
Patent Type
Application and Grant Trend
This chart shows the number of patent applications and the number of granted patents resulting from applications filed in the same year.This is helpful to understand the rate of applications over a period of time, whether the technology is recent, or...
Portfolio Value Distribution
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Understand the strength of the patent portfolio based on the distribution of estimated patent valuation, with stronger portfolios having a greater proportion of their portfolio in higher value buckets....
Technology Benchmark
International Patent Classification (IPC) codes categorize patent documents according to their specific technology areas.This graph shows a company’s average estimated patent value by most prevalent IPC codes compared to the estimated industry averag...
Geographic Territory
This map shows the geographic coverage of a company’s patent portfolio across the contracting states to the European Patent Office (EPO) and the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO)....
Filing Strategy
International Patent Classification (IPC) codes categorize patent documents according to their specific technology areas.This graph shows a company’s published patents over time by most prevalent technology areas (derivable from IPC codes)....
Emerging Technologies
International Patent Classification (IPC) codes categorize patent documents according to their specific technology areas.This graph shows the new technology areas (derivable from IPC codes) that a company has started filing patent applications in ove...