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Top 5 New Entrants companies in Femoral fracture
by Most Patent Filing In 3 Years in the world in 2020

The Femoral fracture top 5 is Discovery PatSnap’ annual ranking of the top 5 Most Patent Filing In 3 Years Femoral fracture New Entrants in the world. Discovery has identified the top key players, startups & unicorns, fast-growings, news entrants in 2020, ranking from differnt perspectives, including patent filing intensity, academic research capability, news media heat. The company list is generated from various data types.
A femoral fracture is a bone fracture that involves the femur. They are typically sustained in high-impact trauma, such as car crashes, due to the large amount of force needed to break the bone. Fractures of the diaphysis, or middle of the femur, are managed differently from those at the head, neck, and trochanter (see hip fractures).
Company Name
Tech Topics
Anatomical pathology,Pharmacy,X-ray
Patent: 1
Patent: 1
International standard,MicroLED,Vocational education,
Patent: 1
Patent: 1
Kentucky, United States
Academic Training,Educational institution,Graduate degree,
Patent: 1
Page generation time: Oct 17 2024