Wuhan Yangyoudao Health Industry Co., Ltd., established on 2014-03-18, The scope of business includes the development of Chinese medicinal materials industry(Contains cell wall breaking technology,Chinese Herbal Medicine,Genetic Chinese medicine,functional food,Healthy Medicinal Diet,Health Drink);biomedicine,Plant extracts,genetic food,cosmeceuticals,Healthy Food(Medicinal and edible homologues),Healthy food(wine),food additives,biotechnology product,Environmentally friendly products,Health Medical Devices(one type)research and development,technical consulting,Technology transfer;Environmentally friendly products,Health Medical Devices(one type)promotion of;Comprehensive economic development of agricultural ecology and deep processing of primary agricultural products(Does not contain species prohibited by national laws and regulations,Farmed species);Planting of special fruits and vegetables,Technology research and development and after-sales service;Conference and Exhibition Services,marketing planning,Medical information consultation.Prepackaged food and bulk food,dairy products(Contains infant formula milk powder)Wholesale and retail;Health Food Retail,wholesale.(Items subject to approval,Business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)