Myomo, a medical technology company, develops Myoelectric prosthetic technology to powered bracing devices that restore an individual’s mobility. It offers Myomo mPower 1000, a portable lightweight functional arm brace for use in the home and in clinical settings, which restores movement to a weakened arm as a result of neuromuscular damage caused or due to brain injury, including stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and traumatic brain injury.
The company also provides PERL (Push, Eat, Reach, Lift) technique, a set of research-based treatment plans that integrate the mPower 1000 into functional repetitive task practice programs aiming to increase the functional activity; myGames, a virtual reality-based therapeutic training system to encourage brain-injured patients with upper limb motor disorders to practice physical exercises; and myProgress, an Android-based connected health platform that tracks and measures progress while using the mPower 1000. Its mobility system is designed to enable individuals to self-initiate and control the movement of partially paralyzed limbs using their own muscle signals. The company serves medical professionals, patients, and caregivers in the United States. Myomo, Inc. was formerly known as Active Joint Brace.
The company was founded in 2004 and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.