Hubei Hualong Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., established on 2004-05-25, Business range includes tablet(Contains psychotropic substances:Estazolam Tablets),Granules,hard capsule,dry suspension,mixture,Powder,syrup,API(Valacyclovir Hydrochloride,imidazole salicylate),production of anti(suppress)Bacteria,agriculture,Planting of original Chinese herbal medicines(licorice,ephedra herb,musk,Eucommia,Magnolia except),one type,Production and sales of Class II medical devices and import and export business(Does not contain items prohibited or restricted by the country,Goods excluded);forestry planting;Medical technology research and development,transfer;Production and sales of candies;Production and sales of health food;Business Management Consulting Services;plant,Equipment rental service;Pharmaceutical Sales Consulting;Manufacturing and sales of cosmetics;disinfection products(Free of Hazardous Chemicals)production and sales of.(Involved in licensing projects,It should be operated after obtaining the permission of the relevant department)